
Sunday, 23 October 2011

19 Kids and Counting...

The Duggar Family.

Jim Bob and Michelle and their 19 offspring, all with names starting with J...
Now scarily I could name them all, but I wont.This is a recent family portrait,
Including oldest son Josh and his wife Anna with first of their 2 (so far)
children and in the family tradition both start with the letter M. Mmmmm...

Shhh! Don't tell the cool kids, I love the Duggars!  Never heard of them?  You just don't know what you are missing!  Check out their web site here.

I find the watching their show a bit like rubber necking as I pass an accident on the motorway.  I just can't look away.  I've been watching since they were about 14 and counting and I can't get enough, so when I discovered a new season was starting on Discovery Health, I set the IQ to series link.  They are onto Grandkids now, but don't worry, I'm sure Michelle and Jim Bob have one more in them!

Ten factoids about the Duggers from here.

10. The Duggars spend $3000 on groceries each month.
9. Michelle has been pregnant 144 months of her life. (That's 12 years!)
8. The Duggars do 40 loads of laundry per week.
7. Michelle typically gains 25-30 pounds(11-14kgs) during pregnancy.
6. The Duggars' dining room table is 18 feet (5.5m) long.
5. The Duggars go through 16 boxes of cereal and 7 gallons (26.5 l) of milk each week.
4. The Duggars' RV has 15 bunks.
3. The Duggars' home has 9 bathrooms and 7 showers.
2. The Duggars' home has 4 washers and dryers.
1. The kids earn 3 cents for each chore they complete.

They organise their monster house (which they built as a family as a home school project - for real!) to suit their monster sized family needs.


A daily schedule
OK, I admit it, the closet and clothing arrangements have me fascinated.
Duggar Family Closet
They buy almost everything secondhand and pool the lot.
Mail room
And I think I have a lot of washing!

I may not agree with their politics, their reasons for having 19 children or the way they make their living but I find myself so drawn to the show.  Lots of things make me cringe, but still I must watch!

What's your opinion of the Duggars?  Do you find them impossible to switch off like me? Or are you not interested in their lives?


  1. Wow! The pantry looks like a grocery store!! LOL ! It probably is!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I read them all and try very hard to reply.