
Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The problem with Mother's Day is...

that none of the stuff we Mothers do on a Sunday usually gets done and it means that it is Wednesday afternoon and instead of having a cup of tea and catching up on last nights TV, I am instead faced with hanging washing and sorting last weeks washing.

The playroom is taken over by the clothes horse.

My bed is taken over with washing to sort, fold and put away.

Sundays are known as Daddy Day in this house for a reason. Daddy looks after the boys while Mummy has a little lie in with a cup of coffee and a croissant, then sorts and puts away washing and tends to various other tasks that cannot be done with children "helping". 

Mothers Day, on the other hand, means getting up earlier to "Oooh and Ahh" at the gifts and then chase everyone around to get ready for the long drive to Nanny and Poppy's house.  Of course Mummy is the driver as Daddy has lost his licence, AGAIN.

So as you can see, Mother's Day is not my favourite event on the calendar as it invariably means I spend all week catching up.

Call me grumpy and ungrateful, but I just don't enjoy Mother's Day.  I hope you enjoyed yours!


  1. Ahhh it's tricky. I had a lovely Mothers Day. Hub was away for work, the kids gave me their school stall gifts then promptly decided to play Wii most of the day. Until my parents came and took one of them away for a bit. I cooked 3 meals for the week and filled the freezer with those as well as cookie dough and pizzas.

    Maybe not the Hallmark card version of MD, but it's made this week a lot easier!

    Your Daddy Day on Sundays sounds much more like a Mothers Day to me ;)

  2. Aww, sorry it wasn't so 'hallmark' for you.
    I hope you caught up and tomorrow is better.
    Happy WW thanks for linking up.

  3. Kate, My Daddy Day rocks! It takes a busy Sunday to fully appreciate it, so I shouldn't complain.

    Trish, still not caught up. May is a crazy month for us this year. Maybe I'll be all caught up by June! ;)

  4. Found you through FYBF :o)

    I hear you on the 'Day After'

  5. It's like a Mothers' Day hangover, isn't it?

    I just had my first Mothers' Day and it was wonderfully uneventful if you take out the first few hours where there was no sleep and an almost broken nose. But you know, other than that it was great.

  6. I like that - MD hangover! Very correct Glowless!

    Thanks for dropping in Trik82. :)


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