
Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Today I am babysitting Miss 7.  She is home from school because she has run out of batteries after a big year of school, T ball and her dance concert on the weekend.  My boys are in heaven and to be honest it's a pretty easy job to have her here.

She and her sister Miss 5 are regulars.  I have been babysitting them since Miss 7 was 8 weeks old.  My boys love having them here and they slot into our routines without any disruption.  It's a good arrangement.

I've had lots of issues with babysitting since the Munchkin was born.  For a long time I could not get away from my kids and I was struggling with it.  I felt trapped.  The Workaholic was working even more hours than normal and the Munchkin would scream if I attempted to leave him with anyone.

Now my boys are regularly babysat by Miss S, who was a teacher at the Little Mans pre-school.  She is a gem.  My boys love her and she them.  In addition my lovely friend N who has her hands already full with her own three, steps in and helps me out, as does my cousin K.  Both are local and our kids all like each other.  It took the Munchkin a while to get used to being left with people, but he is happy with it now.  I am so grateful to have them to help out and happily reciprocate if required.

My parents are across Sydney and consider us a long way away.  It can be quite an effort to get them to drive over to us.  We don't find the drive excessive but the workaholic and I have both driven further for work than the 45minutes to my Mum and Dad's.  They think of it as a day trip.

When I had the Little Man I did not require help from my Mum or Mother in law as he was such an easy baby and went everywhere with us.  If I needed a break, the Workaholic took him to work with him.  Unfortunately this set a precedent that meant I had no offers of help from my Mum when the Munchkin arrived, in fact she used to come over and I would be running around looking after her!  My niece was born four months after the Munchkin and she spends two to three days with my Mum while my brother and sister in law work.  Now she doesn't even offer to help me with babysitting on the weekends because she needs a break and I feel like I am being unreasonable asking for help.  I can't blame her.  Looking after kids is exhausting!

As the Little Man gets older it is getting easier to find babysitters.  He recently went to swimming lessons with a mate and his Mum when it was raining and my car was of the road.  He has a few friends that we can call on in such emergencies.

That's my village.  Do you have babysitters available or are you perpetually looking for options?

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